When it comes to clean energy, solar panels are the main attraction. Solar panels are a fantastic place to start for homeowners seeking to save money on their energy bills or switch to a more environmentally friendly power source. Here is all the information you need to know about solar panels, from how they function to which panel is best for your home.

The Science Behind Solar Panels

Did you know that even if everyone on this planet used solar panels, there would still be more than enough light left over? In order to understand how this is possible, we must know the science behind it all. Put simply, solar panels convert the energy of the sun into electricity. Light and all other types of electromagnetic radiation are particles known as photons, which are tiny particles of energy that radiate outward from a radiation source (such as the sun).

Photons cannot be charged by themselves, but solar panels can produce them. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are typically formed of silicon, and these can absorb light.  When a photon makes contact with the material, some electrons are liberated. The bottom line is that you can use a battery to store solar energy, then convert it back into DC power for your home by inverting the DC electric current.


Solar panels convert Light into DC energy.

Electrons are knocked loose from PV cells by photons from the Sun, forming a DC electrical current.

An inverter converts DC Energy Into Usable AC Power

The inverter transforms the DC current produced by solar panels into alternating current, which is usable in a variety of appliances.

Excess Power And Where It's Stored

The excess power is either sent back to the grid (which usually results in credits via net metering) or stored in a battery.

Why Install Solar Panels?


Solar energy is advantageous because it saves money by producing your own power at a lower cost than what you pay your utility.


Lowering your electricity expenses gives you greater peace of mind and allows you to enjoy more of the modern amenities, guilt-free and stress-free.


Solar panels are an excellent way to power your life in a more sustainable manner while lowering your carbon impact.


You can be safe against increasing utility costs by going solar.

Types of solar panels

Monocrystalline & Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels are the most common types on the market. What’s the difference? Simple. It’s all in the type of silicon used in the panel’s cells.

For example, single-crystal silicon is used in monocrystalline solar panels, which are made to the right size. On the other hand, polycrystalline cells use many small crystals of silicon melded together. These cells are more potent but also more time-consuming and costly to produce. But now, monocrystalline panels are becoming increasingly affordable and aesthetically appealing as solar technology and production capacity develop. As a result, monocrystalline panels have grown to be the most popular kind of panel in residential installations. 

Monocrystalline Panels

Monocrystalline solar cells are currently the choice for most residential installations because they are more efficient and more aesthetically appealing.

Polycrystalline Panels

Polycrystalline panels are less efficient and more affordable to build, but they have long been prevalent in residential installations.



Wattage is the most important component in a solar panel, and it has an inverse relationship to energy output: the greater the wattage of the panel you choose, the less you'll need to produce your goal amount of power.

Warranty Information

Examine the length and coverage of the manufacturer's warranty for any panels you're thinking about. Most trustworthy brands provide a 25-year guarantee against manufacturing flaws and failures.

Deterioration Rate

Recognize how quickly your solar panels degrade. All solar panels suffer from deterioration due to wear and tear. The majority of solar panels degrade at a rate of less than 1% each year.


The style and appearance of the solar panel you choose are crucial since the panels will be visible on your roof. The majority of contemporary solar panels are available in sleek, black-on-black designs.

With Ethos Energy, you can get the top solar panels on the market

Ethos Energy works with the most reputable solar companies and manufacturers to provide every customer with the best solar panels for their particular needs. Solar panels are a renewable energy source that harnesses the power of the sun. We specialize in solar panel installations, roofing systems, and roof replacement. Our expert energy consultants will help you determine which factors are most essential to consider and select the best-suited solar panels for your project. We work with a variety of solar panel manufacturers and brands.


How much should I expect To pay for solar panels?

The correct price to pay for solar panels varies significantly from house to house. To start off, we must make an analysis of energy consumption, which will show the system’s ideal capacity target. Once you’ve determined how much roof space you’ll need, it’s time to figure out how many solar panels your roof can hold and where they should go to produce the most energy. The last stage is to consider the panels that will be utilized to achieve the system’s intended capacity in the available roof space.

Following this procedure will ensure that your system is built to the required capacity and delivers the most value for your money.


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